New Chef de Cuisine at the Belvedere Restaurant

On 1 March 2018 the Chef de Cuisine at the Belvedere Restaurant, Adam Komar, shall be replaced by Sebastian Olma.

It’s a pretty major event in the life of our restaurant, known for its attachment to tradition and long-term cooperation. Adam Komar has been our Chef for 8 years now and although both he and the whole restaurant did thrive throughout this time, he still decided to look for new, fresh challenges in the field of gastronomy.

The President of the Belvedere Royal Łazienki, Artur Zymerman, perceives the outgoing chef as a sheer pleasure to work with: Adam has completed his mission in our organisation to the fullest and for such a precious contribution I am endlessly grateful to him. We all wish to thank Adam for showing us the way onwards with his engagement and bravery. May the fortune favour him every day.

A new chef he may be, yet Sebastian Olma knows the Belvedere Restaurant very well since he has been its Creative Chef since September 2017. And beyond all doubt, that’s a man bursting with ideas, creative and extremely charismatic. Having been through Europe, working in London restaurants, amongst others under the watchful eye of Gordon Ramsay and Tom Aikens, he finally made his name famous also in Poland. As the winner in the 2nd edition of the popular culinary show TOP CHEF, he’s become a star and legend alive. To his mind, there’s nothing better than the traditional domestic flavours boosted with some modern arrangements of purest phantasy.

At present, Sebastian Olma shall take the whole responsibility for our kitchen on his very own shoulders.

We wish Sebastian all the luck in the world, keeping our fingers crossed for his great success as our new Chef. – The Belvedere Team

Restauracja Belvedere

Restauracja Belvedere to jeden z najpiękniejszych i najciekawszych punktów na kulinarnej mapie Polski. Restauracja mieści się w wyjątkowym budynku Nowej Oranżerii w Łazienkach Królewskich. To budynek o ponad 150-letniej historii. Jak za dawnych czasów wypełniają go okazałe tropikalne rośliny.


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